The Clobber Passages: A Summary & A Revisit


I made a video a long time ago on The Clobber Passages.  These are the 6 Bible verses that (kind of) talk about homosexuality (kind of).

The thing I'm so impressed with is that a guy left a comment on my video and he was Christian & a straight guy.  He was really, really kind.  I'm just impressed with his kindness.

I'm not sure what his overall point was but I think he was asking me to reexamine my interpretation of the Bible verses. 

So, I appreciate how sweet the guy was being, but my interpretations of the 6 Bible verses are still the same.  I'll do a quick summation of what I think.

1.  The Bible is awesome & should be read with an open heart but also with critical thinking skills.

The Bible was written a long time ago.  It was written by people who were inspired by God.  Some things in the Bible are awesome & some things in the Bible are weird.  You have to take it with a tiny grain of salt.

It is my belief system that people should only use the Bible as inspiration to be kind & loving to themselves and others. 

2.  The history of how the word "homosexual" made it's way into the Bible is pretty messed up and cruel. 

The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic & Koine Greek.  It was translated over the course of many, many years up until now.

It's actually pretty flimsy as to when the word "homosexual" was ever put in the Bible, at least how we understand sexuality today as an orientation.

When the Bible was written, they didn't have the word, "homosexual" to use when it was written.

So, when they were translating the Bible into English, some jerk decided to interpret the ancient text as the word, "homosexual" & put the word in the Bible. Yeah, that's messed up.

3.  To me the point of Christianity isn't to debate poetry but to amplify love. Love is all that matters. 

There's a saying that an old roommate of mine said, "Everything in the Bible is true & some of it actually happened." 

There's another saying that I heard a minister say one time that said, "Science is a recipe for soup & religion is poetry about soup & they're both right at the same time."

I think the Bible is great & also there are weird things in the Bible.

People should only use the Bible to be kind.

I know that Christianity can have a lot of hang ups for sure.  It's a very imperfect religion in a lot of ways. I've met all kinds of people who've had negative experiences with Christianity (regardless of sexual orientation).  I offer empathy to everybody. 

I got lucky.  I went to a small town Baptist Church in Adams Grove, Virginia where I (overall) had a good experience with going to church.

I do believe in a kind & loving God who is not homophobic at all.  So, did Desmond Tutu.  Here's an amazing article about his history of fighting for LGBTQ rights:

So, yeah, I don't interpret the Bible as condemning homosexuality. 

I believe it's ok to be LGBTQ.  It's ok to be who you are. 

I think that as long as you are loving yourself & loving others as much as possible than you are on the right path. 

That's my two cents.


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